My favourite pizza is from ..

Which drink do you like the most ?

Is it justifiable to use the ISA against a social activist, a blogger, a politician, and a reporter ?

What's your thinking on the latest sodomy charges against Dato Seri Anwar Ibrahim ?

Who should be the next PM ?

Which party do you think will form the next government of Malaysia ?

What would be the margin between PKR and BN in the coming Permatang Pauh by-election ? (the majority was 13,388 in the last election)


BN can win in Permatang Pauh (P44)

Dato' Wan Azizah won the Permatang Pauh parliamentary seat in the last election by a majority of 13,388 votes. If there is a swing of 7,000 votes towards BN, then BN will emerge as winner through a simple majority victory.

Factors that may lead to a BN triumph :
a) Malay voters --> the soul and struggle of grassroot UMNO are still very relevant to them.
b) Chinese voters --> stability is their priority, a chaotic reform will drive them away.
c) Indian voters --> the impact from Hindraf is diminishing.
d) The impact of petrol price hike is being absorbed by the society, day by day.
e) Polling day falls on Tuesday, outstation working class voters are facing some constraints to fulfil their responsibility.

f) Full BN machinery will be focus on Permatang Pauh.
g) The coalition of Pakatan Rakyat is not as solid as one thought.


Hong Kong

10 Must Visit Places in Hong Kong :

1. The Peak
2. Lan Kwai Fong & SoHo
3. Happy Valley Racecourse, Sha Tin Racecourse
4. Ocean Park, Repulse Bay
5. Temple Street, Ladies Street

6. Yuen Po Street Bird Garden, Flower Market, Goldfish Market
7. Avenue of Stars
8. Lei Yue Mun Seafood Bazaar
9. Cheung Chau Island
10. Central Escalator

Langkawi vs Phuket Bali

Things that Langkawi must do in order to catch up with Bali and Phuket :

1) To engage international top consulting firm to provide periodic ideas and constructive feedback.

2) To immediately improve the cleanliness of the island; modern garbage management system must be implemented as soonest possible and local council must continuously inspecting every single corner of the island everyday.

3) To stop constructing modern contemporary structures on the island, traditional architecture design must be adopted in all future buildings, from warongs, shophouses, to 5-star resorts.

4) To systematically replace all aging ferries from Penang, Kuala Kedah, and Kuala Perlis.

5) Build more resorts on the sea, I mean on the sea ..

6) To expand the island hopping coverage, not just limit to a few islands.

7) Construct a few casinos on some of the islands.

8) Promote all types of massages on the island i.e. Thai, Balinese, Chinese, Turkish etc.

9) Have beer party on Jan & Jul, wine party on Feb & Aug, vodka festival on Mar & Sep, whisky festival on Apr & Oct, brandy bonanza on May & Nov, & cocktail/shooter fiesta on Jun & Dec.

10) Have beach styled musical festival every 3 months, borrowing the concept from rainforest musical festival.

11) Organize jet ski, powerboat, dragon boat competitions every 6 months.

12) Organize gathering for bloggers on anuual basis (:


Mat Rempit

In order for Malaysia to achieve continued social-economic growth, our schools should produce quality students who have the relevant knowledge and intelligence to propel this nation further.

If all of our younger generation is equipped with the necessary skills to participate in the nation building, then Mat Rempit won’t exist in the long run. Instead of involve in illegal racing and other unhealthy activities, the youth can participate in activities which can bring gold medal for the country from Asian Game or Olympic game. They can also concentrate their effort in setting up businesses, and raising their living standard in the process.

In short, Mat Rempit can be evolved into Mat Olympic and Mat Economic. Hope that the day will arrive soon, only then we can catch up with Singapore, Korea, UAE, and many others.

Keris & Hishammudin

Ketua Pemuda UMNO, Dato Seri Hishammudin Tun Hussein meminta maaf atas kelakuannya menghunus keris semasa persidangan pemuda UMNO selama 3 tahun berturut-turut. Adakah beliau sanggup meminta maaf sekiranya BN kekal berkuasa di kesemua negeri-negeri Malaysia serta mengekalkan majoriti 2/3 di Parlimen ? Nampaknya ini merupakan soalan yang amat menarik bagi kita sama-sama renung-renungi.

Adakah kelakuan seseorang pemimpin yang menghunus keris dapat menutupi soal kebangsaan seperti rasuah dan pelbagai bentuk discriminasi yang lain. Keris hanyalah lambang orang Melayu, dan Yang Dipertuan Agong hanya mencium keris dan bukannya menghunus keris di majlis-majlis kebesaran. Apakah motif Hishammudin menghunus keris dengan megah di depan perwakilan Pemuda UMNO, untuk meneruskan inspirasi masa depan politiknya ?

Zaman sekarang adalah era globalisasi, perbuatan menghunus keris bukanlah sesuatu yang bijak, malah ia boleh dilihat sebagai perbuatan primitif yang tidak praktikal. Bolehkan taraf kehidupan orang Melayu dinaikkan dengan serta-merta dengan terhunusnya keris ? Dapatkan daya saing Malaysia di peringkat antarabangsa diperkuatkan dengan tertonjolnnya keris di tv-tv nasional ? Perbuatan simbolik yang tidak pandai harus dielakkan dan digantikan dengan langkah-langkah yang berkesan untuk membangunkan Negara ini agar taraf hidup rakyat secara keseluruhannya dapat dinaikkan tahun demi tahun.

Politik ekstrem and budaya memperkecilkan golongan minority patut dipupuskan dengan serta-merta demi kemajuan Negara. Jangan memperalatkan keris lagi.

A message to BN

Dalam usaha memperjuangkan nasib bumiputera,
Nasib non-bumiputera mesti juga dijaga.
Dengan kerjasama sesama kita,
Barulah dapat bersaing dengan masyarakat antarabangsa.

Pulihlah segera badan kehakiman, BPR, serta SPR,
Barulah nama baik Malaysia dapat dibaiki semula.
Jikalau langkah diambil terlewat seketika,
Anwar Ibrahim bakal berpindah ke Seri Perdana !